5 x 7 Art Card - Blank Inside
Written on the back is the meaning of this painting:
“This painting began with an image of a flower that turned into a figure holding all these gifts and dreams. One of the gifts was a child. I feel like the Lord is saying that He has not forgotten the dreams of your heart and that one day you will be so blessed that you will barely be able to hold the big, beautiful fulfillment of those dreams. The stars are a reminder of the promise, and like Abraham’s promise, while the wait has been long, it will be worth it. It is in the waiting period that the Lord is preparing you to hold all that He is blessing you with. All the promises are “Yes and Amen in Christ.” The stars and the figure are painted a deep red as a reminder that you are covered and protected by the blood of Jesus. In this picture the yellow represents hope, and the orange represents faith. Both of these colors are on the inside of the figure, the dreams and gifts, and the sky holding the stars. One of the dreams has a blue line, I feel like that blue line represents strength. Your strength is the joy of the Lord, so you can legitimately laugh at the opposition and the lies of the enemy because you know that what the Lord has promised you will come to pass. I bless you in the process of waiting and discovering the dreams the Lord has given you!”