5 x 7 Art Card- Blank Inside
“This piece is about the beauty of God. The more we gaze at Him, the more we will see His unfailing love, provision, passion, and protection. He is always there watching over us, gently guiding us, delighting in us and singing his songs of deliverance over us in the night. When we lock our eyes onto His, we simply become aware of His beauty and passion for us. This piece is tactile; it is tangible; it can be touched. Likewise, you can touch and feel God in a very tactile, tangible way and know He is real. The stitching represents how He stitches each part of us into us. He can take what was broken and make it beautiful by stitching the pieces back together. The buttons look like golden coins, yet when you look closely they have flowers on them, representing His provision and how He cares for even the flowers in the field; they never have to worry and neither do we. He is faithful to bring what we need, when we need it every time. My prayer, as you gaze into this piece, is that the tangible love of Father God, the presence of Holy Spirit and the passion of Jesus Christ would wash over you and into you; that you encounter them in such a profound way that resonates with your spirit. I pray that you would know beyond knowing He is always there for you, always beside you, always inside of you, and His heart beats to walk in intimate relationship with you, always, no matter what.”